Close more deals at higher margins with our all-in-one analysis and sales platform
Lightning project setup, with all the data you need in one place
120+ Load profiles and growing
- Our library is populated with has a range of load profiles covering most sectors.
- No need to wait for interval data to commence analysis - simply search, select and calibrate.
- New profiles added regularly.

Prebuilt data libraries for speed and accuracy
- Network tariffs, Spot & FCAS price datasets already in library.
- Leading battery brands already configured.
- Our stringent review process ensures data accuracy.

Easy data uploads, with a range of formats & integrations
- Accepts a range of file formats, inc. timestamp, NEM12, Helioscope.
- Get rapid estimates of PV system generation with our NREL Solar API.
- Metrics and visualisations bring your data to life
Compare all possible solutions in seconds
Orkestra's powerful cloud-based simulation engine processes all possible solutions in parallel to get you the results in seconds.

Highly configurable battery controls
Market leading battery modelling that meets todays diversity of applications. From simple 'rule-based' settings to advanced co-optimisation.

Know you've found the best solution
Use our 'Best Match' feature or comparison tools to find the best solution from a range of technologies, sizes and site configurations.

Convert customers with
beautiful, branded, bankable analysis
Share a link or export to custom documents in seconds

20+ interactive charts to choose from
Energy flows, financials, carbon reduction. High-level & drill down. New charts each month.

Utility-grade billing engine
Accurate network & retail bill calculation

Tailor the outputs to your brand
Energy flows, financials, carbon reduction. High-level & drill down. New charts each month.

Customise layout and share with clients
Accurate network & retail bill calculation

Export everything
Accurate network & retail bill calculation

Export everything
Share a link or export to custom documents in seconds

Next-gen business models tailored to your customer
in 1-click
- Highly visual, easy to use, deliver days of Excel work in minutes
- Design and sell innovative business models: PPAs, VPPs, Aggregators, V2X & EVs and more
- New profiles added regularly.


Start your 21-day free trial.
No credit card required.
Responsive support on call and via chat
Market leading battery modelling that meets todays diversity of applications. From simple 'rule-based' settings to advanced co-optimisation.
Detailed knowledge hub & documentation
Use our 'Best Match' feature or comparison tools to find the best solution from a range of technologies, sizes and site configurations.
Built for teams
Invite your team members to your account to seamlessly work together to deploy projects.